Monday, August 9, 2010

Melty, Fluffy, and Heavenly

Today, Briant and I went to our favorite donut shop in the whole world...Banbury Cross. It's located in Salt Lake City at about 700 S 700 E, and driving up there is well worth the time! Their glazed donuts have to be the best glazed donuts I've ever tasted. They are light and melt in your mouth like butter, but unlike Krispie Kremes, they have much more substance. These succulent donuts are so simple- they are dipped in a fresh glaze, and that's all there is to it! The ingredients are so fresh that they don't need a million toppings to cover up the lack of flavor.

Here are some of my favorites-
Glazed, of course,
Strawberry is a close 2nd to the glazed
Then there's cinnamon...I've never had a donut remotely close to this one, and it is heaven!

Also, they have excellent chocolate glazed donuts, but I'm partial to my 3 favorites. And if you ever want a really good cake donut, Banbury is the place! Their cake donuts aren't heavy and oily like so make others. These donuts are not just any regular fried piece of bread, they are Banbury, and donuts don't get any better than that!


Mark and Callie said...

I'm a little hurt you didn't bring me one, or take me with you. JK! I'm just jealous of the goodness you partook of today.

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